fredag 25 mars 2011

Why Prot Pala?

Three reason for Prot Pala in bg's:

  • You can be a quite nice flag carrier! In TP, WSG and EOS.
  • You can hold zones until reinforcement arrives! In Gilneas, Arathi even in AV.
  • You can tank bosses! In AV and IO
(Don't know what use they have in SOA so if you play it you are screwed! Or not because Prot Pala rules! Learn it, Love it!)

Take care!

Todays tip 26/3-2011

If you wana play PVP with a prot pala this is a guide that is worth takin a look at! Helped me ALOT!

Gilneas pwn!

Awsome game today! We did Gilneas BG and we where under with alot. We push them hard and takes back two bases. After that we lose all our bases. They gain alot of resourses. We takes back one then two. Right at the end there is 1950 to horde and we are on 1850 or something. We charge LH their last base and right when they get 1950 I cap their flag and we hold three bases in a thight grip and turnes the whole game winning with 2000 to 1950... fuckin amazing work by Alliance!

Btw I got the achivement Don't Get Cocky Kid!

Take care!

torsdag 24 mars 2011

The first of many!

I am a world of warcraft player that is going to show you my own way of improving in the game. I reached lvl 85 for a couple of days ago and has been playing almost every day after that and what I am into is playing at my prot pala Yane mostly pvp in the realm Doomhammer.

This is the start and nearly not the end!

Take care!